In a marketing strategy, all kinds of sales promotions in sales letters have been done by many people to improve their marketing process, but sometimes it still doesn't show satisfactory results. In this case it is quite important a sales letter that we can take an example like owning a car marketing shop. The appearance of a shop that you have if it doesn't make a good impression, then simply no one will buy your car.
So you need to make sure that your sales letter has answers to the most basic questions, and instill your visitors' interest in your product with just these five specific questions:
1. What's in it for me?
The number one rule of selling - people only buy for one reason, which is to get the result of a product, what they will receive from it. To achieve this, you need to quickly grab their attention from the start with your headline. Create a compelling headline and tell your visitors what they'll get one shot at through your headline.
2. How can my life get better?
This is where you have to understand the emotional appeal that draws your prospect like a moth to a flame. Do they want to be richer, smarter, more handsome, thinner or more popular? Do they want to save time, money or effort?
Study your niche until you know what emotional buttons to push and you'll see a huge increase in your sales instantly. Use their will to pull themselves off, which is where you'll make them nod their heads and keep reading to the end.
3. Why should I trust you?
People are skeptical when asking them to pull out their wallets to buy a certain product. You need to dispel their doubts by providing positive testimonials from your previous customers and emphasizing the excellence of your product.
If you don't have a testimonial for your product, look for forums related to your niche and offer to give away free copy in exchange for the testimonial - you'll usually get a warm response in no time.
4. What will happen if I say no?
You won't let them say no, that's all. Remind them of their problems, frustrations, how much money they are going to lose, or how sad their life is right now - and tell them how they can change it all in one shot, with just a small investment in your product. .
5. Am I stuck with your product?
This is where you close the deal. Tell them you provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee, they need to get it now. The important thing is to get them to buy, and the rest depends on their choice. 70% of people who buy a product will not return it unless they have seen something similar before or they plan to just "borrow" from the start.
When you have all these points to answer your prospect's questions in your sales letter, you will not only get an unfair advantage over your competition, but also let your prospects know that you care about their problem and you have the solution they need.